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Electronic copy of the manuscript should be addressed to the Editor-in-Chief, PJBMB , care of the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, U.P. College of Medicine, P.O. Box 593, Manila.



Typing. Manuscript should be encoded, double-spaced, using the font Arial, size 12, with a 2.5 cm margin around. When applicable, each selection should begin on a new page (title page, abstract, introduction, methods, results, acknowledgements, references, tables, figures). Each page should be numbered, starting with the title page.

General Rules on Style. All symbols, abbreviations, and acronyms should be defined. All acknowledgements should be gathered into a brief statement at the end of the references and notes. Tables should supplement, not duplicate, the text. They should be numbered according to the order of their citation in the text.

Title Page. This page should contain the title of the manuscript, names, addresses, and telephone numbers of the authors, and the laboratory where the work was done. The author who is responsible for correspondence should be indicated. Titles of general articles should have no more than 50 characters.

References and Notes. References should be listed and alphabetically numbered accordingly. Conventional abbreviations for journals should be used



There are seven categories of papers that are published.

Biochemical Education Articles. A biochemical education article (up to 3000 words) is expected to describe a personal approach to teaching a concept, or to review current trends in the teaching of biochemistry. A class laboratory experiment that students have found especially helpful maybe submitted. The use of illustration is encouraged, but should be limited to three. Figures and tables together should not exceed four. References should be included when applicable, but are limited to 20.

Research News. A research news article (up to 250 words) is expected to describe recent (not older than six months) work in biochemistry and related fields. Abstracts may be submitted as news. The use of drafts and tables is discouraged.

Research Articles. A research article (up to 4000 words) is expected to contain new data in its field. The article should include an author note (name, title and address), abstract, introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion, references and notes. The introduction should outline the main point of the paper and should not exceed 150 words. A maximum of 30 references is suggested. Figures and tables together should not exceed six.

General Interest Articles. General interest articles (up to 5000 words) are expected to describe developments that do not fit in the research or education categories, but may have biochemical applications. General interest articles should include the author’s name, address, and title, a summary (up to 100 words) that outlines the main points of the articles; and brief subheadings to highlight main ideas. Figures, tables, and sharp black and white photographs and cartoons may be submitted.

How-To Articles. A how-to article (up to 2000 words) is expected to provide step-by-step instruction on useful activities relating to biochemistry. Illustrations are encouraged but should be limited to four.

Letters. Letters to the editor that discuss topics published in the JPSBMB Bulletin will be considered for publication. Such letters may correct errors, reinforce ideas, or provide alternative perspectives. When the letter cites errors, the author of the JPSBMB Bulletin will be given a chance to reply. Letters should not exceed 150 words.

Book Reviews. A book review (up to 500 words) is expected to compare the book with others of its kind and suggest for whom it may be valuable. The review should include a publisher’s note (title, author, publisher, year of publication, number of pages, price), and overview of its contents, features that set it from the rest of its kind, or that make it worthwhile reading, and conclusion as to whether it is recommended or not.

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